Create premium live streaming experiences
Launch a secure live streaming in a minute, deliver it on your own branded platform, monetize the way you want

Live streaming tool + platform + player + monetization + live chat + Replay
Plan and start a live stream (video or audio) easily from OKAST back-office
Pay-per-view, subscription, donation… Set up the way you want your viewer to access your live content
We provide everything: a platform with your colors and logo, a player video, a scalable CDN for big audiences
Stop giving your data to Facebook or Instagram. Collect all info about your viewers: email address, consumption, activity
Connect your device (webcam, mobile, camera) to any RTMP/SRT-enabled encoder
Pick up a day and time for your live streaming or launch it immediately
If you want to monetize, create your offer: price, access duration, model (tickets, subscription, donation)
If you don’t have a platform, create one easily with OKAST and get a page with a live event countdown to promote it and sell presales.